Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Reflecting on the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning

The most recent white paper on the scholarship of teaching and learning by the UW Colleges Virtual Teaching and Learning Center.  After reading the white paper, consider the following questions.

What statement best describes your SoTL experience on your campus or in your department?

  • I am personally interested/engaged in SoTL, but I have not found a colleague group or other support for my work.
  • There are faculty and instructors who are engaged in SoTL, but they do not work together and there is no organized approach or coordination of efforts.
  • There is a small but lively SoTL initiativ, but both grassroots and top-down support.
  • We have been part of the larger national and international SoTL movements.
  • The principles and practices of SoTL are woven through many campus initiatives and agendas.

How might SoTL be better supported?

How would you describe the impact of engagement with the scholarship of teaching and learning on with the practice of teaching at your campus or in your department?

What initiatives could SoTL help to advance at your campus, in your department, or across the UW Colleges or UW System?

A broader version of these questions were presented at the UW Colleges Deans and Chairs meeting in  October 2013 by Tony Ciccone (Director of the Center for Instructional and Professional Development at UW Milwaukeee) and La Vonne Cornell-Swanson (Director of the Office of Professional and Instructional Development, UW System). Questions adapted from the appendix to The Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Reconsidered, (Hutchings, Huber and Ciccone, 2011).